
Monday, June 20, 2011

Little Poem for a Big Man

Dad, Workin’
Bent down, bent-over shoulders
hooked back
raising up, lugging in, heaving out
Those busted up fingers all swelled
From the ink and the roots
and wire and cutters
sand paper really does sound like hands
on a tired old chest from North Carolina
that you rub down
some life you round out
like yours
getting smoother now

add milk paint
make a few bucks

Friday, June 10, 2011

I'm Super Organized

This is actually a working document and has been for several months now. I referred to it just today. It makes perfect sense to me, which is slightly worrisome. I found myself asking, "Do I not have it together?" "Am I a mess?" I think the answer is kind of, yes. Yes, I am a mess. And then – I'm not meant to be perfect. Now carry on.